12 reasons why Germany is the perfect place to study

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Are you considering to study abroad, but not sure which country to choose? We recommend Germany. Every year, more and more students are applying for German higher education institutions. Here are some reasons why.

1. No Tuition Fees

Germany is one of the very few  countries where higher education institutes charge no tuition fees. The only costs that students have to pay are for the student contribution, student union, student support service, also public transportation ticket which altogether costs around from 160 to 350 Euros per semester.

2. Quality education

German universities offer high quality of education, hands-on experience beside the theoretical knowledge during the studies, as well as further research opportunities. They are usually above the global higher education institutions standards. . Check out the rankings of the university of your interest here (https://www.topuniversities.com/)

All teaching and staff members are known for their friendliness towards the students and high qualification. Also Germany possesses the long history of higher education. Some oldest universities in Europe are in Germany

3. Various Degree Programs

In Germany there are 429 public higher education institutions. Out of them, 106 are universities. Starting from aviation to medicine, from computer science to bakery, you can gainTraining, Bachelor, Master, Doctor’s degrees in any field they like. You are most probable to find professors related to your interest.

4. Travelling through Europe (Schengen Area)

When you apply for a student visa or a residency permit, you can travel Schengen Area (https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list/) (26 countries) visa-free. There are numerous favorable travel options by train, bus, or from a student travel organizations, even from the universities.

Apply for a student visa or residency permit at least 3 months before your studies start or your departure to Germany.

5. Globally recognized study programs

Once you complete a degree at a German university, this certificate will be globally recognized. Moreover, the methods and the content taught at German universities are structured in a way that prepares the students to be able to live and work in globally rapid changing environments. Most organizations abroad appreciate and ready to hire the graduates of German universities due to the quality education the students are offered at German universities.

6. Affordable living costs

Monthly living costs in Germany can vary between 600 to 800 Euros per month depending on the area you live and your lifestyle. Renting an apartment is from 250 Euros monthly. But there are favorable programs from some universities like Wohnen für Hilfe (https://www.studentenwerke.de/de/content/wohnen-f%C3%BCr-hilfe) where you will be staying and helping a German family (seniors or families with children) and pay very few rent or not at all.

7. A large number of scholarship programs

Students who have strong and diverse academic, extracurricular skills, as well as good German skills can apply for various scholarships (https://www.dw.com/de/politische-und-kirchliche-stiftungen/a-17252187) offered by German organisations. DAAD, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Hanns Seidel Foundation are to name a few. Moreover, some universities offer their scholarships, as well.

8. Job opportunities for students

If you are studying depending on your own expenses, you are allowed to work (120 full days or 240 half days per year). €450 monthly will be paid for student jobs. But once you exceed this limit, you will have to pay the taxes from your salary.

In case you are attending Studienkolleg, you are only allowed to work in the period where you don't have any lectures.   

9. Future career possibilities

As the survey (https://www.studying-in-germany.org/international-students-prefer-to-stay-in-germany-after-they-finish-their-studies-survey-reveals/)  shows 69,2% of international students prefer to stay in Germany after their studies. After you finish your studies, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit to look for employment in your field. This residence permit will be given for 18 months during which you can do any type of job.

When you find an appropriate job for you, apply for German residence permit or EU Blue Card. For EU Blue Card, your contract with the employer should be around €49,600.

In general, in any country of the world, graduates of German universities are valued and offered high salary jobs.

10. A new language

Knowing German it will be easier for you to find a job at German companies. These companies usually possess global networks. Moreover, communication in their mother language leaves a good impression about you on Germans. Also, you will gain access to many research materials which are available only in German. You can travel around Germany without relying on translator applications.

There are numerous language learning options both on campus and outside of the campus either free or for a low cost. You can also find language courses at the Goethe Institut in Taschkent (https://www.goethe.de/ins/uz/ru/spr.html).

11. Multicultural community

Germany attracts many international students from different countries globally. At the university with many international students, you can experience different cultures at one place and broaden your worldview and global network.

12. A rich historical and cultural adventures

Germany is full of history which can be experienced throughout the country. Every city finds interesting methods of informing its visitors about it. As a student you gain access to many places, including museums and other historical places at reduced or no cost.


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