Is it possible to study abroad without knowledge of English ?

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Currently, there are many opportunities to study abroad without English language skills. One of the possibilities is language courses. Almost every country provides language courses followed by a university degree or master’s degree. In this article we would like to introduce you to some of them.

Location: Bratislava

Free language training has become possible in this country. The applicant’s actions are very simple. Slovakia was a country with a large heart and provided foreigners with the opportunity to learn the language first and then continue their studies at university. The applicant must enroll in state language courses while still in their country, without any special requirements. Sites for recording he can find on the Internet or sign up through an official representative. Language courses usually last one year, during this year the student will not only study Slovak, but also he will study subjects of interest to him and help him to enter the university. When submitting documents to the student to choose five directions, this five includes medical direction, art, humanities and so on. After a maximum of 3 months of study, the student will already begin to understand the issues and topics in textbooks without any special training.

General information on course:
Age limits:
Contract price: 4,000-5,000 euros
Location: Bratislava
Duration: 1 year
Language skills: not required
Language of instruction: Slovak

Czech Republic
City: Prague

The Czech Republic is also a country offering free higher education. Instruction will be provided as a rule in the Czech language. Language courses also last 1 year. After receiving the certificate and passing the training for admission, you will be able to pass the exam. After an excellent exam you will start your studies at the Czech University. Many Czech universities are in the top 1000. Also, your university education will be entirely on a budgetary basis.

General information on course:Age limits: no
Contract price: 4,000-5,000 euros
Location: Prague
Duration: 1 year
Language skills: not required
Language of instruction: Czech

City: Gold Coast

Flying to Australia for language courses is now available. The duration of the courses the student chooses samba at will he can take them up to one year. The training will be held in a private language school on the Golden Coast. There are no age limits for starting a course. The contract price is $1,700 per month of training, which includes accommodation during the training, course fees and teaching materials, as well as two meals per month.

General information on course:
Age limits:
Contract price: $1,700 ( 1 month training )
Location: Gold Coast
Duration: 1-12 months
Language skills: not required
Language of instruction: English

Benefits of learning a language abroad

The biggest advantage is that the student is fully immersed in the natural language atmosphere and it becomes easier to learn this language. For example, if a student learns English in his home country, he learns a level of 3 months, but in an English-speaking country of 1 level he can learn twice as fast. The student will practice the language on a permanent basis throughout the stay, and he will add to his vocabulary.

The World UZ team can offer you several language programs abroad. You can get more information by contacting the Call Center.

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