Education in China: its cost and the possibility of obtaining a grant

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China is developing dynamically, not forgetting its ancient history. Surprisingly, the Chinese are able to combine an understanding of the current situation and at the same time appreciate and not abandon the old, seemingly obsolete.

Whatever it was, but the fact remains - Chinese business today is a byword in languages around the world. As you know, in a year or two there will be a shortage of specialists who know Chinese well. And further such need will only grow.

To attract foreign students, a special grant for studying in China has been developed. It gives you the opportunity not only to learn for free, but also to absorb this amazing culture. The only difficulty that arises is the language, everything else is not a problem (the cost of living and tuition fees are small). Still, as far as we know, you need to pass a medical examination, so it is desirable that your health was in order.

Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, it is almost impossible to learn it by self-study. At the same time, knowledge of Chinese is one of the criteria for obtaining a grant. So tune in to the fact that for 1-2 years you will only do that to cram the language. Only after that and not a day before you will have a real chance to receive a grant for training. Note that the higher the level of language proficiency you achieve; the more specialties you will be available in the end.

The peculiarity of Chinese education is that there are no unified programs. Therefore, you should have a clear idea of what and where you want to learn.

The cost of training will depend on the region of residence, but in any case, the Chinese are very greedy in this regard, will have to pay mere pennies, so my advice to you — choose the coolest University at once and do not bother. It's almost free. For example, the Beijing architectural University for all five years of fuss with you asks less than 400 euros.

Because of the obvious complexity of Chinese, the most popular for Uzbek students, of course, are language courses. Learning a language for its subsequent use in work and communication is paramount for any country, China is no exception.

As you may have guessed, today only the most short-sighted person does not seek to get a grant to study in China. It can be used not only for higher education, but also to obtain a bachelor's degree, master's (up to doctor). Enrolled students are awarded a scholarship that covers a substantial portion of the costs.

If you want to get a quality higher education and do not want to pay a lot, then China is the best ratio of quality of education = price. Our company cooperates with more than 10 public and private universities in China. Come to our office and GET free advice, we will tell you how to enter a Chinese University and get a grant to study.

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