Studying at Australian Universities

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The main difference between Australian education and that in other Western countries is greater financial accessibility. Education at universities in Australia is much cheaper than, say, in England or the United States, and it's not just about the exchange rate differences of the currency, it's cheaper in itself. Prices for training in Australia, if rising, are very small.

The education system is based on a five-day working week, and classes are never held on a Saturday. But even during the week, free Windows can be formed, and in order to thoroughly know the subject, they spend, on average, about 12 hours a week on it, and this time includes both time spent at lectures and seminars, as well as in the library and in independent classes. In Australia, students have the opportunity to choose a convenient class schedule for themselves. You can do this online at the beginning of the semester. During a semester, a student learns no more than four subjects, sometimes it happens that only three subjects. Lectures and workshops are given on each subject, which is very similar to the Russian education system, and their duration is approximately the same.

As mentioned above, the student chooses his own schedule of classes and you can arrange them so that you will not have to visit the University every day. In Australia, there is no division of students into groups, training individually, and when attending different classes, the student finds himself in different companies of other students. On the other hand, in Australia, group execution of various projects is widely practiced. here, too, a student works in different groups for each project in different subjects. This gives a good skill to work in a variety of teams and develops communication skills.

Teachers at Australian universities can conduct only lectures or only workshops, and, to conduct workshops are already allowed to students of primary courses. Lectures are given only by experienced professionals, usually with long experience in the field they teach. The examination procedure in Australia differs significantly from that in Uzbekistan. It is conducted by special companies, the Commission has experienced people in this matter. Exams are taken in special centers where students from different universities come together. At the same time, different exams are passed in such centers, and the number of students is estimated in thousands. The exam itself is conducted in writing, but knowledge of the theory is not enough, the student must be able to use the knowledge gained in practice. The student is offered some practical problem to solve. This is not possible if the student did not attend the workshops or went to them rarely.

Retaking the exam is much more difficult: if the student did not pass the exam the first time, then he may not have a second chance. Sometimes this chance is given if the successful delivery was not enough just a little bit, for example, about 10%. If the student passed the exam less successfully, then he has no choice but to pay for this course again (or an alternative course of choice) and re-pass it. The score for the exam is set as a percentage. To pass it, you must score at least fifty percent. Grades of academic performance in percentages are present.

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