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- Currently, Italy has given 100% grants to countries whose economy is developing, students are given absolutely free education and scholarships depending on their level of knowledge. The Italian government has provided opportunities for intelligent and talented students in Uzbekistan to study, work and live in Italian universities. You can get a 100% grant for the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree and the 2nd year of the master's degree, studying in universities with a high quality education rating, and not only studying, you can get a specified scholarship. A 1-year stipend of 5200-7000 euros is sufficient for a student's expenses on average, but not limited to this. Italy allows international students to work 20 hours a week. There are 300 Uzbek students in Italy, and 250 of them are bachelors. one of them is studying for a master's degree, 20 for a Ph.D. 20% of these students are job ready. In Italy, large car companies offer jobs from factories, laboratories, and the possibility of staying in Italy is high. How does Uzbekistan view this...? Of course, famous Uzbek businessmen help to support Uzbeks, if they have contracts with companies and service providers in Italy, or if they have their own business, Uzbek products for the domestic and foreign market. They don't spare their support to import to the Italian market, even businessmen can deliver to Italy. Through this study, you can become an experienced businessman or a good expert in your field.



- Italy is famous for its ancient and attractive buildings. Universities in Italy are no exception, the city has beautiful streets, tall and ancient buildings. The teaching system is also excellent.

- La Sapienza di Roma is ranked #203 in the world and #1 in Italy.

- University of Tor Vergata - located in Rome is ranked #511 in the world.

- University of Pavia - located in Pavia, ranked #581 in the world.

- The University of Genoa, an ancient university founded in 1481, located in the city of Genoa, ranked #651 in the world.

- Ca' Foscari a Venezia University, an ancient university located in Venice, founded in 1868, ranked #751 in the world.

- The University of Messina is an ancient state university founded in Sicily in 1548. The advantage of this university is that even if there is no IELTS, a student can become a student through an internal exam.

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