Cheapest and top universities in Korea.

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Top Universities in Korea:
- Seoul National University - located in Seoul, Korea, is one of the world's top-ranked universities providing affordable quality education. The university ranks 1st in Korea and 37th in the world. If university requirements are TOPIK 3 or IELTS 6, you can easily apply. The contract fee is $2,000-$2,500 per semester, and the university provides a 30-100% scholarship. - Pusan National University - located in the city of Pusan, Korea, ranks 12th in Korea at 580-590 in the world ranking. If the topic is more than 4, the chances of winning a grant are good, the total contract for 1 semester is $1,700-$1,800. - Chonbuk National University is ranked 590-600 in the world, 18th in Korea. The university has grant programs, grants are issued separately each semester. - Chonnam National University is ranked 700-750 in the world and 22nd in Korea. Contracts range from $1,600 to $2,000, and grant programs are available. Chungnam National University ranks 750-800 in the world ranking, 26th in Korea. Accepts contracts from 1500 to 2000$, with TOPIK or IELTS.


Getting into universities and winning grants:
- A language certificate is required to enter universities in Korea, a TOPIK 3 certificate is required if you want to study in Korean, and an IELTS minimum of 5.5 is required to study in English. Requirements vary depending on the university and course you choose. some universities have an interview, this interview is for the admission of the student and for granting the grant. The main requirements for the scholarship are a higher IELTS or Topic score and a higher % of GPA. All universities in Korea offer scholarships from 30% to 100%, and you can win a grant according to your level. grants are awarded every semester. Depending on how many subjects you cover, the grant will be allocated again. Dormitories are provided by the university for $360-$1500 per semester. It is possible to work outside of studies, 20 hours per week is legal. If you are interested in studying in Korea, it is very easy with World uz.

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