Successful study in Poland - what are the features and advantages?

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Successful education in Poland: features and benefits

In recent years, Poland, or rather its universities, attract more and more foreign students. Universities in this country provide quality higher education, and their diplomas are quoted in all countries of Europe and in most countries of the world. However, studying at universities in Poland has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account by future students.

Distinctive features of Polish education

Higher education at Polish universities is somewhat different from studying in your home country. And the first difference is the presence of two introductory campaigns throughout the year.

The summer introductory campaign lasts from October to August, that is, a whole year. But the winter - only two months (January and February). This approach allows students to submit deferred documents.

The second distinguishing feature is the training time. In Poland, you can enroll in a two-tier system (bachelor's and master's degrees separately) or in an indivisible master's program. True, the choice depends on a specialty, because for physicians, for example, there is no two-level system.

And the third difference, which was already mentioned earlier, is European-style diplomas that do not require confirmation in other countries.

Features of studying at universities

The training program in Poland is designed in such a way that students have quite a lot of free time, so that they have the opportunity to find a part-time job.

Studying in Poland is free only for citizens and holders of the Pole Card. Foreign students will have to pay tuition fees, but some universities are ready to offer them scholarship programs.

A failed exam in Poland does not threaten expulsion, however, retaking it just will not succeed. The student will have to take the course of this discipline again and, of course, pay for it.

The myth that Polish universities do not provide relevant knowledge has long been refuted. So, if you intend to enter the university of this country, be prepared that you will need to put a lot of effort to learn the material and pass numerous tests of knowledge.

The advantages of studying in Poland, motivating to enter universities

More and more applicants from Uzbekistan are trying to enter a Polish university. This is due to the many advantages that study in Poland has:

  • You do not need to take exams for admission;
  • You can apply immediately after graduation;
  • Training in Polish or English;
  • For future students, many universities conduct language courses;
  • European training system;
  • Diplomas valid worldwide;
  • Loyal cost of training;
  • The availability of scholarship programs for foreigners.

P.S. It is not difficult for a foreign student to enter a Polish university, given the lack of entrance exams. But you will have to take all the exams on time, otherwise you will have to take the course again.

If you want to get a high-quality and inexpensive European education, then Poland is an excellent choice, come to our office and our consultants will advise you on how to enter a higher education institution in Poland. Here you can see a list of Polish universities with which we work and leave a request!

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