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Would you like to spend your vacation time traveling in Europe...? Of course, being a student of a German university is enough for that. With a 95% chance of getting a visa, a visa to the Schengen zone is provided, leave aside work and study and go on vacation with your friends to Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Norway, Austria, Greece, 27 countries included in the Schengen zone. you can travel. Visit historical sites, make great friends, and mark your youth with travel and knowledge.

- In Germany, there is a possibility to study in public universities with a 100% grant. For this, you need at least 5.5 IELTS, if you want to study in German, you don't need IELTS, you only need to know German at B2 level. If you also have IELTS and a German language certificate, you will have more opportunities to work. Information about what fields and companies you can work in after graduation at the faculty you want to study for a bachelor's degree is available on the University's website. Study times 2 times a year Spring and Autumn admissions, spring study starts in April, autumn in October. State universities are in 500-100 out of Top # 1000, and their requirements are determined by their ranking. The educational system meets world standards, the education is 100% high-quality, and the diploma is easily transferable to Uzbekistan. Modern hostels are available for students.

- Salary up to 2000-4000 Euro? ... yes, you have the opportunity to study in Germany on a quality education grant program, work to cover your expenses without being limited to travel in Europe. Students are allowed to legally work 20 hours a week. Working at McDonald's, selling ice cream coffee, delivery service, Cafe and Restaurant, service services, the quality of work increases depending on the level of language skills. To work at BMW, Mercades-Benz, you must know English and German, have a driver's license, and have 1 year of work experience in this direction. After graduation, you will be able to sign a contract with large companies in your field, if the company you want to start working in is in another city or country, they will allocate money from their own account to a place close to the company. for you to come and live. You will have great experience and good qualifications during your work, foreign friends, good work and environment will be your success.

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