Acsenda School of Management


Acsenda School of Management is an international business management and leadership institution that offers undergraduate programs in the province of British Columbia, Canada. We emphasize a unique combination of small class sizes, open access to instructors and the use of the latest technology. We are able to get to know our students. We understand their strengths, and work with them directly to foster a deeper level of critical thinking and business management knowledge.

Located in Vancouver on the Pacific Coast of Canada, Acsenda School of Management is a specialist business and leadership institute with a uniquely international focus.


Our academic programs give you flexibility and choice, with options designed for you no matter where you are on your path to international business.

Acsenda specializes in teaching students from around the world with its world-class Business Administration & Post-Graduate Programs.

Acsenda School of Management (ASM) offers specialized undergraduate degrees linked to business career and professional pathways. ASM faculty members have both the academic qualifications and the real world experience to prepare students for working in the global business environment.

Small class sizes, an international business focus, and attention to students’ needs attracts students from all over the world to study at Acsenda.

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Business Administration

Our four-year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree, offered since 2004, is the core academic program at Acsenda School of Management.

The BBA is a four-year undergraduate business program that prepares students to meet the challenges of globalization, innovation and competitiveness. Concentrations within the BBA provide options for in-depth study in a business subject that relates to your career objectives. Our BBA graduates have the knowledge, skills and attributes that have led them to careers in international business, marketing, accounting, human resources management and other fields of business.

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

The Bachelor of Hospitality Management (BHM), our newest degree offering, is a four-year direct entry program that is uniquely designed to meet the needs of the industry.

Hospitality Management is a global business. Through a business focus, the Bachelor of Hospitality Management integrates leadership and management skills with key strategic and operational skills sought by today’s industry leaders. The program will equip you with the digital, management and business background the industry now demands.

As a BHM student, you will complete a six-month internship program that will enrich your classroom learning and prepare you for a leadership track in the hospitality industry.

Diploma and Certificate Programs

Our Post Graduate programs are for students who would like to have a comprehensive exploration of the business issues of management

English for Academic Purposes

For international students who want to improve their academic English skills before starting a degree or diploma.

Mathematics and English Support

English Support (English for Academic Purposes)

Students who are admitted into one of ASM’s degree program may begin their studies in one of the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses.  These courses are intended for students who would like to enhance their English skills or require additional academic English development prior to taking Academic Writing (ENGL 101). The EAP courses are a part of a student’s degree program.

These courses help student success through enhancing their academic English skills across the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition to improving their English language proficiency, students acquire essential academic skills in a business context including critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, academic research, note-taking, setting and achieving goals, time management, teamwork, effective presentations, computer basics, APA citation, and library orientation and information literacy.

There are two courses: EAPP090 and EAPP100. Students will be assigned to the appropriate level based on their English language proficiency level at the time of admission.  Students with an IELTS score equivalent to 5.5 will be enrolled in EAPP090.  Those with an IELTS score equivalent to 6.0 will enroll in EAPP100. Each course has a duration of 12 weeks or one term of study, and both courses are offered every term.  Each EAP course is considered a full-time course load.

Students receive 3 academic credits for EAPP100, which apply towards their degree.  Students may also register for one or two other selected academic courses while taking the EAP courses.

Basic Math (BMTH099)

This course is designed for students who need to upgrade their mathematical skills in preparation for quantitative courses in Business, Management and other research courses at ASM. Students, who had been away from mathematical disciplines for several years, are also recommended to take this course for refreshing their mathematical skills and concepts. The review topics begin with the basic numeracy concepts in business and management: fractions, decimals, and percentages. Students will recap or learn to solve linear equations in Algebra. Topics of exponents and logarithms are introduced, including solving simple exponential equations and logarithmic equations. A chapter of Statistics is also included for the preliminary study in Business Statistics: drawing and interpreting circle graphs, bar graphs and line graphs, and calculating the central measures of sets of data. Lastly, students will learn how to use technological tools (Excel and calculators) to assist them in working on manipulating formulas and displaying statistical graphs.

This course is designed to meet the needs of:

1. Prospective applicants who are high school graduates from a school outside of Canada and whose level of math proficiency could not be determined as equivalent to our Grade 11 Math admission requirements and whose Math Diagnostic Test (MDT) score is below the threshold of 60%;

2. Students admitted in the Second Degree category who have first degrees but no evidence of having taken the required math level courses at the post-secondary or secondary level and whose MDT score is below the threshold of 60%; and

3. Students who fail to pass BADM120 and are advised to take BMTH099 as a remedial course so that they may be prepared to pass BADM120 and other quantitative courses in the program.

Academic Pathways

Acsenda School of Management has created Academic Pathways with select educational partners to permit a stress-free transition between partner schools for qualified students.

Student Housing

Acsenda’s centrally located campus in downtown Vancouver allows students to choose from a variety of local housing options.


One of the most economical ways to meet your living requirements is to live with a Canadian family.

Residence Style and Short Term Accommodation 

Stay in a student style residence, or arrange short term hotel accommodation while you are deciding on a place to live.

Family Housing/Relocation Services 

There are companies in the Vancouver area that offer full service family and relocation assistance.

Off Campus Housing

Find roommates, rentals and more information on what to expect renting in Vancouver.


Acsenda Students who demonstrate excellent academic achievement and/or exemplary community/school service are eligible for the following awards:

Academic Excellence Award

Awarded to 2 students with the highest overall GPA in a bachelor degree program each calendar year.

School/Community Service Award

Awarded to up to 3 students who have demonstrated exception contributions of service to the school/community each calendar year.


  • Students must be in good academic standing
  • Students must have attended Acsenda full time for at least two academic terms of study
  • Students must have at least one remaining term of study at Acsenda
  • Awards will be applied towards tuition fees
  • Nominations for Academic Awards are made by faculty members or academic administrators
  • Nominations for School/Community Service awards may be made by faculty members or Acsenda Staff
  • Awards are determined by the Student Awards Committee and are announced at the end of January each year.

What can we do for you, so that you can start studying at Acsenda School of Management in Canada? – official representative of many higher education institutions abroad. We use the proven technologies of searching for academic programs and successful admission strategies, so our customers do not waste time searching for information and taking extra steps. While we are engaged in your admission, you can continue mastering a foreign language or preparing for exams.

  • We give information on studying in Canada for free;
  • We select the university, school, courses and academic program;
  • We prepare the correct set of documents;
  • We send the application to an educational institution;
  • We apply for scholarships/grants;
  • We help you get a student visa;
  • We organize a transfer to the door of the educational institution.

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